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Brighton to Heathrow Airport

Find the different options for getting between Heathrow and Brighton.

How to get from Brighton to London Heathrow Airport (LHR)

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There are multiple options for getting from Brighton to Heathrow Airport on public transport.

The fastest route is to travel from Brighton to London Victoria Station, where you can take the Circle line to Paddington Station. After that, take the Heathrow Express, a 15-minute service straight to Heathrow. The typical journey time for this route takes around 1 hour and 50 minutes.

The cheapest route for this journey is to use the London Underground for the final stint of your journey between Victoria and Heathrow. To complete this journey, take a train from Brighton to London Victoria, where you can take the Circle or District line to South Kensington. After this, take the Piccadilly line directly to Heathrow. Journey times on average take around 2 hours 10 minutes.

Alternatively, the most direct way of completing this journey is to catch a coach from Brighton Coach Station straight to Heathrow. National Express offer a direct service from Brighton to Heathrow, number 025, which takes around 2 hours 10 minutes in total.

You can also complete this journey by taking a Thameslink service from Brighton to Farringdon (London), where you can catch the Elizabeth line, which offers a direct service to all of Heathrow’s terminals.

Whilst there isn’t a direct rail connection between Brighton and Heathrow, the most direct route is to take a National Express coach service from Brighton Coach Station straight to Heathrow, taking around 2 hours 10 minutes.

The most direct rail route involves a single change. To make this journey, take a Thameslink service from Brighton to Farringdon, where you can change join the Elizabeth line, running directly to Heathrow.

The journey between Brighton and Heathrow Airport on public transport typically takes between 1 hour and 50 minutes, and 2 hours 10 minutes, depending on which Heathrow Terminal you are travelling to, your chosen route across Central London, and the time of day you are travelling.  

If you are driving or taking a taxi from Brighton to Heathrow, journeys will usually take between 1 hour 5 minutes, and 1 hour 40 minutes, and have a distance of around 65 miles (105KM). 

A typical taxi fare from Brighton to Heathrow will cost between £130.00 and £200.00, usually taking between 1 hour 5 minutes, and 1 hour 40 minutes. Both the price and time the trip will take are dependent on the time of day you are making the journey, and which Heathrow Terminal you are travelling to.

You can book a taxi or private hire car through one of Heathrow’s approved providers WeKnow London and Minicabit, who can offer fixed rates for your journey.

Whilst the whole journey between Brighton and Heathrow cannot be completed on the London Underground, journeys using it will typically take just over two hours, depending on the time you day you are travelling, and which Heathrow terminal you are travelling to or from. Passengers using the London Underground or 'tube' should take a train service from Brighton to London Victoria Station, where you can connect with the Circle line to South Kensington, and then pick-up a Piccadilly line train to Heathrow.