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For medical help and emergencies

Operated by

Emergency medical treatment and pharmacies

Dial 222 for medical emergencies, or find a Boots pharmacy in every terminal. 

Emergency treatment

If you require emergency medical treatment, use any internal telephone to dial 222. The operator can make sure an ambulance is quickly sent to the right part of the airport. If you need help finding a telephone, please ask a member of airport staff.


Boots has branches in all terminals before & after security, where over-the-counter medicines &  treatments can be bought.The branches before security in Terminal 5 also dispense prescriptions – please check your medication is available by calling +44 (0)20 8897 2629 in advance.

Ambulance directions

To D'Albiac House Medical Centre: Enter Heathrow via main tunnel & stay in near side lane. Exit tunnel, bear left into Chard Road & follow one-way system left into Calshot Road. Cross over tunnel & bear right into Calshot Way - ambulance's report beneath the canopy.