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The UK’s leading anti-racism education charity, Show Racism the Red Card (SRtRC), is preparing for its sixth annual Wear Red Day on Friday 16 October.

The aim of the day is to unite the country in taking positive action against racism, by inviting schools, businesses and individuals to donate and wear red for the day, to help fund anti-racism education for young people and adults.

In a show of solidarity, Heathrow will light up its internal customer journey areas in red, and throughout the airport colleagues will also be wearing red. Heathrow colleagues will also take part in two webinar workshops hosted by SRtRC, as well as having access to an educational film that is inspired by real-life stories.

Wear Red day
We stand behind the message that racism has no place in our society, or airport, and we are proud to do this today and every other day.

Paula Stannett , Chief People Officer , Heathrow


Members of the public will see Wear Red Day promoted across the airport’s digital displays and can follow the day’s highlights using the hashtag #HeathrowWRD20 on social media.

Tosca Fairchild, Chair of SRtRC, said: “As Chair of Show Racism the Red Card, it gives me so much hope to see Heathrow leading and being an exemplar in bringing their staff together to raise awareness on anti-racism. The organisation is well placed to drive and highlight that racism has no place in our society. It gives me hope that there are community members who are committed to changing the world so that everyone’s ‘normal’ is the same, irrespective of skin colour. It gives me hope that one day we will live in a community and world where only one race counts – the human race. I commend Heathrow for showing racism the red card.”

Paula Stannett, Heathrow’s Chief People Officer, added: “We’re proud to be supporting the annual ‘Wear Red Day’ again this year. For decades Heathrow has welcomed passengers from all corners of the world and employed a workforce made up of different races, religions and cultures. Because of the diversity we enjoy every day, it is therefore important that we stand behind the “Show Racism the Red Card” message that racism has no place in our society, or airport, and we are proud to do this today and every other day.”


T3 red
heathrow red sign