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This privacy notice tells you what to expect when you provide your personal information to Heathrow Airport Ltd (Heathrow) in connection with the Airport Expansion Consultation. Heathrow is committed to protecting your personal information. Whenever you provide personal information we are legally obliged to use it in line with all applicable laws concerning the protection of personal data, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. 

Updated: 18 June 2019. 

What is the Airport Expansion Consultation? 

The Airport Expansion Consultation is a statutory 12 and a half-week consultation on Heathrow’s expansion plans, and will be open between 18 June 2019 and 13 September 2019. 

What information is collected when using the "Protect Your Response" and "Complete Later" facilities on the online form? 

If you use our online form to submit your views, you will be provided with two facilities, which are to either “Protect Your Response” or “Complete Later”. If you use either of these facilities, Heathrow will collect and use your email address in order to send you a URL (a website link) that is unique to you only. We will email this link to you so that, providing you save your responses using the button, you can return to them at any time should you get disconnected or wish to complete your response over a number of days. The facility is open until the closure of the consultation. All responses must still be completed by 23:55 on September 13th 2019. In the final week of consultation, Heathrow may send a reminder so that you do not miss your opportunity to respond.

Email addresses collected for use of the “Protect Your Response” or “Complete Later” facilities are only used for the successful operation of these facilities, they will not be attached to your final submission (although you may choose to provide your email address in the course of submitting your views, as described below).

What data is collected when submitted my views? 

When you submit your views to Heathrow in connection with the Airport Expansion Consultation, whether through our online form or by post, we will collect the following information about you:

  1. Name;
  2. Postcode/Location;
  3. Email address; and
  4. Any additional items of information that you choose to provide in the course of submitting your views (please see “Who will have access to my information?” below).

We will also collect certain information automatically when you visit our website. This will include your IP Address and Browser ID; the combination of these two pieces of information enable the identification of a specific computer or other network device on the internet. For more information, see our section on Cookies.

How will Heathrow use the information it collects about me? 

Heathrow will use your personal information for a number of purposes, including the following:

  • To record accurately and analyse any questions you raise during the Airport Expansion Consultation or feedback you have provided in response to the Airport Expansion Consultation;
  • To report on the Airport Expansion Consultation, setting out what issues have been raised and how we have responded to that feedback;
  • To ensure the safety of our staff.

Heathrow will use the information, along with the responses provided to help enable us to develop our designs further.

Who will have access to my information? 

We will keep personal information within Heathrow and our trusted third parties except where disclosure is required by law, for example to government bodies and law enforcement agencies. Your information will be handled and may be used by the following recipients in order to provide this service:

  • Postcode Checking Webservice: We use a third party webservice to enable the postcode and address look-up facility on the Airport Expansion Consultation website. The webservice will not retain your information;
  • Response Review Team: We use a UK based third party to analyse consultation responses and pass the results and data to Heathrow;
  • Professional advisors: We engage the services of professional advisors in the UK who may receive your personal information to provide advice in connection with Heathrow’s expansion plans;
  • Website Management: We use a UK based third party to host, design and support the Airport Expansion Consultation website on behalf of Heathrow;
  • Email Webservice: We use this webservice to relay emails from this website to you in order to provide URLs for users to complete their responses at a later date, and also to provide an email receipt upon submission of a response. Personal details will be stored on this secure facility for no more than 30 days. Please refer to “How long will Heathrow keep my information?” for more information about data retention and removal. Your information will be processed in the UK, however email records will be stored on US based servers. This transfer of personal information is carried out on the basis of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework.

We may be required to make copies of responses to the Airport Expansion Consultation available to the Secretary of State and/or the Planning Inspectorate. We will request that personal information is not placed on the public record, however, please note the Secretary of State and/or the Planning Inspectorate may use any personal information that is disclosed to them in accordance with their own privacy policies, over which we have no control. We recommend that you do not include any information in your response to the Airport Expansion Consultation that you would not want to be viewed by these third parties, or potentially to be placed on the public record.

Optional Equalities Survey

To demonstrate that Heathrow is engaging with and seeking the views of, the widest possible range of local residents and communities, we are inviting you to provide the information set out below, but only if you are over the age of 18 and you wish to do so. You are under no obligation to provide it and it will not affect the consideration of your consultation responses:

  • Age;
  • Postcode;
  • Gender;
  • Identity assigned at birth;
  • Sexual Orientation;
  • Whether you consider you have a disability;
  • Ethnicity;
  • Details of religion or belief;
  • Whether you are or have recently been, pregnant;
  • Marital or Civil Partnership status.

At the point you voluntarily submit responses, the information will be collected by a third party called Mott MacDonald PLC. The information you provide will be held separately from the personal information and consultation views referenced above. The information will be aggregated and used for statistical purposes only. Your responses to the equalities survey will NOT be linked to your IP or Browser ID nor will we ever attempt to identify the individuals behind these survey responses.

What is the legal basis for processing personal information? 

The lawful basis for our processing of personal information is that it is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interest in conducting a statutory consultation in connection with developing and progressing our plans for the proposed expansion of Heathrow airport.

We are further using your personal information as necessary in order to fulfil our statutory obligations under planning law. We may use your personal data in exceptional circumstances where necessary for our legitimate interests to ensure the safety of our staff.

How long will Heathrow keep my information? 

If you submit a response to the Airport Expansion Consultation, your information will be retained until the outcome of the Development Consent process is complete. If consent is granted, your information will be retained until the proposed development is operational. Access to personal information will be restricted only to those who have a legitimate interest in seeing it.

What rights do I have over my personal data? 

Under the GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, you have the right to:

  • Obtain a copy of the personal data we hold about you by making a subject access request.
  • Ask us to correct any incorrect information we hold about you.
  • Ask us to delete any of your personal information which we no longer have a legitimate reason for keeping.
  • Restrict the processing of your information if we are using it for a purpose other than for which it was originally collected.
  • Object to the processing of your information where this is justified.
  • Withdraw consent for the processing of your information where this is justified, and we have no other legitimate grounds for processing it.

To exercise your rights in respect of your data, please contact the Heathrow Data Protection Officer using the following contact details:

By email to:

By post to:

Privacy Requests,
Office of the DPO,
Heathrow Airport Ltd,
The Compass Centre,
Nelson Road, Hounslow,
Middlesex. TW6 2GW

What if I find your response unsatisfactory?

Should you find our response unsatisfactory, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the UK’s supervisory authority for information rights – the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). You can find more information on the ICO website:

Updated: 13 February 2019. 

What information will we collect about you? 

When you provide your views to Heathrow in respect of the Airspace and Future Operations Consultation, we will collect the following information about you:

1. Name;
2. Postcode/Location;
3. Email address;
4. Age range; and

5. Any additional items of information that you choose to provide in the course of submitting your views (please see “Who will have access to my information?” below).

We will also collect certain information automatically when you visit our website. This will include your IP Address and Browser ID.

Heathrow may also collect unique online identifiers such as IP addresses, which are numbers that uniquely identify a specific computer or other network device on the internet. For more information, see our section on ‘cookies’.

How will Heathrow use the information it collects about me? 

Heathrow will use your personal data for several purposes, including the following:

  • To record accurately and analyse any questions you raise during consultation or feedback you have provided in response to a Heathrow consultation;
  • To report on our consultation, setting out what issues have been raised and how we have responded to that feedback (individuals will not be identified in any such reports);
  • To ensure the safety of our staff.

Heathrow will use the information, along with the responses provided to help enable us to develop our designs further.

Who will have access to my information?

We may be required to make copies of responses to the consultation available to the Secretary of State, the Planning Inspectorate and/or the Civil Aviation Authority. We will request that personal information is not placed on the public record, however please note that these third parties may use any personal information that is disclosed to them in accordance with their own privacy policies, over which we have no control. We recommend that you do not include any information in your response to the consultation that you would not want to be viewed by these third parties, or to be placed on the public record.

Your information will be handled and used by Heathrow’s service providers who assist in recording, analysing and reporting on feedback received, including:

  • The agency managing this consultation website for us;
  • The company which analyses the consultation responses and passes the results and data to Heathrow;
  • The company which analyses the equalities responses and passes the results and data to Heathrow;
  • Third party service providers facilitating postcode and address look ups, mapping and email facilities (email records may be stored on US-based servers but will be protected according to the EU-US Privacy Shield framework).

We will keep your information within Heathrow and our trusted third parties except where disclosure is required by law, for example to government bodies and law enforcement agencies. Your information is processed only in the UK and is not moved or transferred overseas.

Optional equalities survey

To demonstrate that Heathrow is engaging with and seeking the views of, the widest possible range of local residents and communities, we are inviting you to provide the information set out below, but only if you are over the age of 18 and you wish to do so. You are under no obligation to provide it and it will not affect the consideration of your consultation responses:

  • Age
  • Gender;
  • Postcode;
  • Identity assigned at birth;
  • Sexual Orientation;
  • Whether you consider you have a disability;
  • Ethnicity;
  • Details of religion or belief;
  • Whether you are or have recently been, pregnant;
  • Marital or Civil Partnership status.

At the point you voluntarily submit responses, the information will be collected separately from your personal details and will be completely anonymised and aggregated for statistical purposes only. Your responses to the equalities survey will NOT be linked to your IP or Browser ID nor will we attempt to identify the individuals behind the responses.

What is the legal basis for processing personal information? 

The lawful basis for collecting your personal data is that we have obtained your consent to do so. Your consent is given when you check the ‘opt-in’ field and provide your name, contact details and your response in respect of the consultation via the Heathrow Consultation website.

We are further using your personal information as necessary in order to fulfil our statutory obligations under planning law.  We may use your personal data in exceptional circumstances where necessary for our legitimate interests to [contact you by the email provided to invite you to complete the questionnaire, if you have only part completed it] or for ensuring the safety of our staff.

How long will Heathrow keep my information? 

Your information will be retained and held in a secure environment until the outcome of the Development Consent process is complete and, if granted consent, the proposed development is operational. Access to personal data will be restricted only to those who have a legitimate interest is seeing it. All personal data will be deleted by Heathrow once we no longer need to retain it. Specifically, for the IP Address and Browser ID logged with the consultation responses, this data shall be deleted upon completion of the review of the corresponding consultation responses, provided that there are no staff safety concerns raised by the responses.

What rights do I have over my personal data? 

Under the GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, you have the right to:

  1. Obtain a copy of the personal data we hold about you by making a subject access request;
  2. Ask us to correct any incorrect information we hold about you;
  3. Ask us to delete any of your personal information which we no longer have a legitimate reason for keeping;
  4. Restrict the processing of your information if we are using it for a purpose other than for which it was originally collected;
  5. Object to the processing of your information where this is justified;
  6. Withdraw consent for the processing of your information where this is justified and we have no other legitimate grounds for processing it.

To exercise your rights in respect of your data, please contact the Heathrow Data Protection Officer at the following address:

Data Protection Officer,

Heathrow Airport Ltd,

The Compass Centre,

Nelson Road,




Alternatively, you can email your request to:

What if I find your response unsatisfactory? 

Should you find our response unsatisfactory, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the UK’s supervisory authority for information rights – the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). You can find more information on the ICO website:

Changes to this privacy notice

We will keep this privacy notice under regular review. At the start of this privacy notice we will tell you when it was last updated.

What information will we collect about you? 

We will collect the following information about you:

  • Your feedback in response to the Heathrow consultation;
  • Name;
  • Address and/or postcode;
  • Email address;
  • Age range;
  • Any group you are authorised to respond on behalf of;
  • If you are overflown currently by aircraft flying to/from Heathrow;
  • IP address (online only).

IP addresses are collected automatically if you contact us online.  Apart from that, we only collect the information you choose to give to us).

How will Heathrow use the information it collects about? 

Heathrow will use your personal data for a number of purposes including the following:

  • To record accurately and analyse any questions you raise during consultation or feedback you have provided in response to a Heathrow consultation;
  • To report on our consultations, setting out what issues have been raised and how we have responded to that feedback (individuals will not be identified in any such reports);
  • To personalise communications with individuals we are required to contact as part of future consultation phases.

The lawful justifications for collecting and using your personal data are that it is necessary in the public interest and also for our legitimate interests and those of third parties (including the Planning Inspectorate), to ensure the consultation process, analysis and reporting are accurate and informative, and carried out fairly and lawfully.

Your information will be handled and used by the following recipients in order to record, analyse and report on feedback received:

  • Heathrow colleagues;
  • Third party service providers;
  • Advisors who provide services to us;
  • IPSOS Mori;
  • The Planning Inspectorate.

We will keep your information within Heathrow and our trusted third parties except where disclosure is required by law, for example to government bodies and law enforcement agencies. Your information is processed only in the UK and is not moved or transferred overseas.

How long will Heathrow keep my information? 

Your information will be retained and held in a secure environment until our proposals are fully built and operational.

What rights do I have over my personal data? 

Under the GDPR, you have the right to:

  • Access your personal data;
  • Rectification, erasure or restriction of your information;
  • Object to processing;
  • Data portability.

For further information about exercising your rights, please contact: or

Tom Stapleton – Data Protection Officer

Heathrow Airport Ltd

The Compass Centre

Nelson Road

Hounslow, Middlesex


You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority if you have concerns about how your personal data are being processed.  Please go to for further information.